Sunday, March 14, 2010

Museum of Discovery

Today Craigan, Cash, Rick, Megan, Emilee, and me went to the Museum of Discovery. I had never been and apparently they have free/donation Sunday once a month. We had so much fun! They have so much to explore, even for toddlers. They have a room for 6 and under with all kinds of really cool stuff. Cash loved this boat dock with a boat parked next to it! He also loved the slide. We wondered around the other exhibits too and there was a lot of really cool things! When they get older they will really enjoy the whole place! The only problem was how hot it was in the toddler room! There was a ton of people so I am sure that's why it became so hot! Cash and Emilee's cheeks were really red and Cash actually threw up a little because he was so hot! At that point we decided to go walk around the river market and get some fresh air. We walked down to the new Peabody Park and played for a little while. Emilee and Cash went down this slide that went down in the ground! We also ran into someone who had their pet ferret out at the park! So Cash wasn't too sure about the ferret but Emilee was petting him! We had such a great time and Cash totally passed out on the way home!

Cash's favorite boat...

Cash and Emilee
Cash on a cow...
This doghouse had pictures of all kinds of dogs that would pop up...
Cash and Craigan with a wolf...
At the Park, watching Em go down the slide...
Cash with the ferret...
Emilee petting the ferret...Cash passed out on the way home...

We had such a fun day and I am so excited about the time change! I mean, I don't care for losing an hour of sleep when I am already sleep deprived, but I love the fact that we will be able to go for a walk after dinner and just be outside a lot! Cash cries and throws a huge fit when he can't go outside or when you bring him in from outside! I now have to shut the garage door before I get him out of the car because he will throw a huge fit if I don't let him go outside and play! He is definitely going to be an outdoorsy little boy!

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