Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fixing Fences and Sour Strawberries

Tonight Craigan and our great neighbor, Dave, fixed our broken gate! That thing has been broken since we moved in last October, so that tells you how long we have put it off! Finally though, it is going to work properly! Hooray! Thanks Dave and Craigan! Here is a picture of them hard at work.....

While they were doing that, Cash and I were inside eating strawberries! I thought I picked a good batch, however, you will be able to tell how tart they were....

By the way, whoever invented these things.......THANK YOU! These are a must have for any child who loves fruit! Cash loves eating fresh fruit from these. They are mesh and allow for very small pieces come through so they can eat fresh fruit! But, don't be fooled, they are still very messy as you can see....

Too cute, huh? This boy loves his fruit even though he hated baby food fruit. Well that's all for now, good night!

Monday, September 28, 2009


I just had to post this. Cash was making this noise and face, it was too funny! This is how he gets when he is tired! Craigan and I were cracking up....

I hope everyone gets a laugh!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday Shopping and Sipping

This morning we woke up and had breakfast burritos, probably my favorite breakfast food. I am more of a lunch person myself! Then, Carol and I decided to go check out Gordman's, a new store, eat lunch, and then go to Old Navy. I had already been to Gordman's but I knew she would love it so we went and she found some things she really liked. We then went to eat at Copeland's before going to Old Navy. I stinking love that place! If you haven't eaten there, you need to go. Here are some funny pictures of Cash before we left and at Copeland's....You can't keep this kid off the stairs anymore, he LOVES them!

He has now figured out a way to close his eyes every time my camera flashes! It is driving me nuts, but this one was so funny!

I had to fight him to take this picture if your wondering why it is sideways! He always wants to hold or chew on the camera now!

He did pretty well while we ate but I knew he was so tired. He usually takes a nap around noon or right after and I was pushing his limits. So no cheesecake for us, we had to leave and get this guy to sleep. I thought he would have fallen asleep on the way to Old Navy, no such luck, still wide awake! Then it happened, he was out like a light on the way home. I got him out of the car and he slept from 2:00 p.m. until 4:01 p.m., I don't think he has ever slept that long during the day!
Ok, now for another one of Cash's "new" favorite things.....drinking water from a glass! He is crazy about drinking from regular glasses. He will hold on with a death grip and shove his face into the cup. Then he makes a funny noise, like a gasp, and laughs at you laughing at him!

He loves this...
Do you see the red in his nails? That is how tight he is holding this against his face so that you won't take it away!

This is the face you get once the glass/water is taken away!
He is in bed now, fast asleep, hopefully he will stay asleep. We did not have a good night again last night. Oh well, I hope everyone had a great weekend and hopefully the Hogs will be back next weekend with a win!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

So Sad...

Well guys, what can I say....I wish Mallet would have been here when we had had Felix and McFadden, now that would have been some football. Yet another depressing loss for the Hoggies! Our season is going to be a tough one for sure! We had Craigan's parents, brother, sister-in-law, and baby Max over to watch the game and play! We cooked all kinds of "football watching" food and hung out! Cash and his little cousin Max got to see each other and we got some cute pictures of them together!

Cash does not sit still, EVER!

Isn't this cute? Max is smiling at Cash!

Max looks like he wants to box with Cash!!

They both look scared of each other in this picture! Ha ha!

We had a great Saturday, minus the loss, with our family and really enjoyed getting to see Brennan, Shelly, and cutie Max! By the way, please excuse my child's hair in these pictures. Unfortunately, he has inherited my curly/frizzy hair!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cash's 9 Month Check-Up

We went to see Dr. Ledbetter today for Cash's 9 month check-up, p.s. I love Dr. Ledbetter at Little Rock Children's Clinic if anyone is looking for a pediatrician, I had worked myself up all morning because I have a perfectly well baby and didn't really want to take him to the Dr. office with sick kids. My stomach was sick all morning due to this and the decision of giving him the flu shot. Yes, I know, I am ridiculous but I just hate putting things in his little body at such a young age! And in case you are wondering, our clinic only has the room divided for now, one side sick one side well, when most clinics have two separate waiting rooms, they are working on this problem and hope to have two different rooms soon! Anyways, I waited outside while Craigan went to check us in and wait for the nurse to call our name. He came and got me when our name was called and I practically ran through the waiting room! Like I said, I know I am ridiculous! The nurse checked his head circumference, weight, and height. He is 21 lbs 1 oz., 30 inches, and developing extremely well per Dr. Ledbetter. He is in the 79 percentile for height, 67th for weight, and 66th for head circumference. He said he had reached every milestone so far for his age and looks great! We did decide to go ahead with the seasonal flu shot, which we will be back in 30 days to get the second part of, and he assured me it was for the best! I totally trust him and Craigan felt good about it too, so he got the shot:( He screamed bloody murder!! He hates shots! I leave his line of sight everytime he gets a shot so that he doesn't think this was my idea then I swoop in for the save once the needle is removed! We did also talk about a potential food allergy that Cash has, it is a dairy allergy. Hopefully it will be outgrown, but for now, no dairy products for Cash! How sad, I was so excited for him to get started on whole milk. Well it will be soy milk for our little guy.

Getting ready to go see Dr. Ledbetter
Cash was not sure about the paper on the table and the crinkle sound it made!
This was, clearly, before the shot!

The Flu Shot :(

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Girls Night Out

So, it has been a while since I have really done things with my friends, without Cash, and tonight was the night! Kelly, Megan, Rebekah, and I went to Senor Tequila tonight to eat dinner and catch up on life. We all used to work together at bank and now we all have gone our separate ways, so we have dinner to keep in touch. Rebekah is getting married next summer so we talked about her plans, mine and Megan's kids, and Kelly's new married life! I love catching up with everyone.

A Good Wave Video...

Okay, I finally got a decent video of Cash waving....again let me apologize now for my annoying voice in the background, you got to do what you got to do!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cash's Adorable PJ's

Ok, I just had to blog about these precious pj's. Angi gave them to me and I just think they are sooooo cute. They are made by Garnet Hill and fit just perfect! They look like adult pj's with the flannel pants and matching shirt! How cute does he look? I love sweet pj's, I wanted him to sleep with us tonight because I just love curling up to him!

Cash waving! He loves to wave now!

Somewhere Over The Rainbow....

I was on my way to the Orsini's this morning when I saw this awesome rainbow! This picture does not do the rainbow justice for sure! I just love rainbows, they give me a warm fuzzy, yet refreshing, feeling. I hope those of you that would have driven down Chenal or Rahling this morning got to see this, it was so pretty!

I hope everyone has a great day and remember the meaning of rainbows!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Catching Up....

Ok, so I haven't posted in a couple of days because I have been mad, I couldn't figure out how to upload this video that I worked so hard to get... but I figured it out now and I do have some new developments to share with everyone! This past weekend Cash started saying bye-bye! He is such a smart little boy! It is so adorable too because he doesn't wave his whole arm, just is hand at his wrist! I know this video isn't the best but hopefully you will be able to see him waving his little hand around! I took the footage via cell phone so that's why it's not the best picture. Also, please let me apologize now for my annoying voice in the background!

This is a video of him clapping! He loves to clap now! He gets so proud of himself because we make a huge deal whenever he waves or claps so now he just does it all the time!

I hope everyone enjoys these videos! I will try to get some new pictures up soon! I have just been too tired! My child has been amazing about bedtime ever since the day we brought him home from the hospital! This last week has been anything but amazing, he is fighting us now. He doesn't want to go to bed at all, I have done everything I know to make this not happen but here we are! Hopefully this is just a stage and everything will be back to normal soon. By the way, he has two teeth on bottom and four teeth on top! The fourth tooth on top is just breaking through so this could also be a part of his night night issues! I guess we will find out soon enough! We also have a doctors appointment on Thursday, just his 9 month check-up, wow, did I just say 9 months? Where does the time go? I will give a full report on Thursday!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Preparing For Flu Season

So at first, when all the H1 N1 talk started, I was not scared of it in the least. I was actually tired of hearing about it in the news. Well I logged into my e-mail one day and it said, on the Yahoo web page, 18 million Americans will get the H1 N1 flu and of those 90,000 Americans will die! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! This certainly got me to thinking a little harder about the virus. I still wasn't totally freaked out or anything, just really started washing my hands more frequently. Well now I am totally freaking out and obsessed with buying antibacterial products after hearing about the six year old that died this passed week from Hot Springs and the fact that one of my good friend's little girl potentially has it too! I have gone into germ freak mode! So I thought I would show my flu prevention kit....Not that this is fail proof by any means but I am trying to make every effort I can to prevent this horrible virus from attacking our family! I am using all of these in addition to anti-bacterial soap and HOT water. Cash and I went to Babies R Us this afternoon, which I am trying to leave him at home now as much as possible, to get him his first toothbrush ( for those FIVE teeth he has) and some supplies for baby hands that kills germs! (I also "Lysol-ed" down the whole entire cart, even though he has a cart cover, I admit I am a freak, ok?.) The white thing in the middle is actually a passy sterilizer! It looks awesome, I can't wait to use it! I truly do hope all these steps and all the prayers I have been praying will work! On the upside, as I mentioned above, Cash got his first toothbrush today! How exciting, right? It's is even one that is battery operated and vibrates! He loved his first brush.....

Isn't this face priceless?

We had a pretty low key weekend, but it was nice to have nothing to do! Sometimes we just get too wrapped up in our fast paced life that we need the rain to slow us down, keep us inside, and hang out together all day! I loved playing with Cash all weekend long!

The Cutest Thing I Have Ever Seen

Besides my baby of course....
I don't know if you guys will be able to see what this picture actually is but I will explain....
I woke up this morning about 2:30 a.m. to feed Cash, whenever I wake up with him in the night I always go look outside (just a weird thing I have, those who know me understand) just to make sure everything is good. Whenever I turned on the porch light this is what I found...this is my flower pot with two kittens inside of the pot (smashing my flowers) one black and one orangish and they have their paws wrapped around each other! Is that not sweet or what...and I don't even care for cats!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cash's New Toys

Well really it's just one new toy because the second has been around a while. I just didn't know how much fun a bottle lid was for him! He will play with it for hours! He chases it around the floor, chews on it, and throws it around! He is too funny!

And for the real "new" toy......

His School Bus!! Hooray! He loves this thing. It sings, has children laughing, lights, and a honking horn! My Dad got this for him and Cash actually took a few steps by himself while holding onto the back! Other than playing with new toys today, we have really been pretty lazy! The rainy weather makes me want to stay in bed all day! I wish Cash felt the same way, but he doesn't miss a beat! He is just like Mommy, going all the time!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Look at This....

This child can literally sleep anywhere! We were walking into Target and he had fallen asleep on the way. I got him out of his car seat and put him the cart and he never even noticed! Isn't he adorable though? I could just eat him up!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day!

Tonight I finally got a picture of Cash's new trick....

That's right....You guessed it....

He can crawl up the stairs by himself! What a big boy! Also Check out those jeans, aren't they the cutest things you've ever seen! He has the cutest little booty!

After all this excitement we went to my parents house to eat dinner and then go visit Kelly, Jason, and Auggie! Auggie is their new labradoodle(correction: he is a GOLDENdoodle) and he is so cute! My mom made steaks, chicken, mac & cheese, corn, ..... she always cooks for an army, anyways it was so yummy! While we were there Cash played with my mom's dog, Holly, and thought that pulling her tail and slapping her was loads of fun.....

I had to take this picture, they looked so cute together!

Cash and Holly

Afterwards, we headed to Kelly and Jason's to see Auggie and visit with them...

Cash was trying to pull down Kell's shirt! Haha

We came home and all of us went to bed! What an exhausting, yet fun three day weekend!

Hog Wild Weekend

Wow, this weekend has gone by so fast! To start off, we woke up Saturday to a torrential downpour, which we were not happy about! We have been looking forward all week to the game and tailgating! Luckily by about 12:30 p.m. it stopped and we headed out...

But before we left we couldn't help but to take pictures of our little piggy since he had to stay home with his grandparents....

Check Out Those Teeth!

Isn't he cute?

We had so much fun at the tailgate we go to every year! It's always a party....

The Tailgate

The Tailgate 2

The Hog Grill

All the Kids Playing! I can't wait for Cash to come!

Me and Craigan

Me and Alicia


Razorback Cookies!

Craigan, Brent, and Nick

It was about 4:00 p.m. and our boys rolled in.......

We went back home at about 5:30 p.m., our neighbors had bought the game pay-per-view, I was dying for some air conditioning! I thought the rain would bring great/cool weather, man was I wrong! It was SO hot and humid! We still had a great time and can't wait to see how this season goes! GO HOGS!!!