Thursday, December 31, 2009

My BABY Is ONE!!!!

Oh where do I start? Better yet where does the time go? Cash officially turned ONE today! We woke up and started our day with opening birthday gifts from mommy and daddy! Then we took a nap, had lunch(chicken, of course) and the Tori(Craigan's cousin) came down from Harrison to help watch Cash on Friday so that I could get all the decorating and planning done for his big birthday celebration on Saturday! I think he had a great birthday and I can not believe this time last year we were holding him for the first time in the hospital!
Cash, this has been the BEST year of mine and your daddy's life! You make our lives complete! This first year with you was so amazing, watching you grow and learn! We love you more than words can describe and look forward to the rest of our lives with you! Some things you are doing now are: eating regular food(no more baby stuff), mocking everything we say(bite, bye bye, momma, dada, down, up, go, etc....), walking, loving putting things inside of things, climbing, riding your school bus toy or for that matter any toy that you can ride you love, you smile more than any child I have ever met, you have six teeth and the seventh is peeking through, you weigh about 23 lbs, your about 31" long, your sleeping with mommy and daddy instead of in your crib(which hopefully will be changing soon), and many more exciting things. We are truly blessed to have you in our lives and I hope you have the best birthday party you could ever imagine!

From this....

To this...Here are some more pictures from the ONEderful day...

I went ahead and got him a cheap little cake to celebrate today, he wasn't too sure about the icing being on his hands!

Cash, Mommy and Daddy LOVE you more than you will ever know!


We love you, Mommy and Daddy

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tomorrow is the Big Day!

For those of you who don't know, Cash will be one tomorrow! I can't believe how fast time has flown by! I changed the blog background to match his party theme and I have the picture of the invitation I sent out as well! The blog title picture is the small picture on the invite! He is having a Hollywood themed party! I can't wait for all the pictures and decorations to be done! Here is a sneak peek of whats to come...

I designed the invites to look like VIP Tickets to a movie premier. Thanks to Brandon for bringing them to life for me! I LOVE them! I have a video I made of his first year and red carpets, the whole shabang! Check back on Sunday for full coverage of the red carpet event of the year!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wonderplace Take Two!

Ok, so this time was a lot more fun! Megan, Emilee, Kim, and Hayden invited us to go to The Wonderplace again and it was so much fun this time! At first Cash was a little unsure but he had also just woke up from a nap. So once we got to playing he was loving it. He loved the balls the best, of course, and he also loved just seeing all the kids running around! He is also wearing his new Hurley pants that Mary and Tori got him for Christmas! Everyone commented on them! Afterwards, we went to McDonald's and I had never given him meats but at Christmas he shoved a bunch of ham in his mouth and ate it so I ordered him a McNugget Happy Meal. He ate every bite! He ate all four nuggets and a few apple slices! I was so proud of him. Just more confirmation of how much he has grown and changed! It's bittersweet!

He loved this ball pit...

He would not stop throwing things in this thing and over the fence!

Cash and Emilee playing house! How Cute! I hope Rick doesn't read this, if so I am just kidding about them playing house!!

Cash at McDonald's devouring his nuggets and apple slices!

What a big boy, only two days until his 1st Birthday!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Pow Pow Power Wheels!

Jacob and Noah got Power Wheel Four Wheelers for Christmas and they took Cash For a ride! This was the cutest thing so I have to share this video.....

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tori's 19th Birthday!

So this morning we got up and around, we went back over to Sam and Mary's for Tori's Birthday Celebration! Mary had, again, cooked a fabulous lunch and cake! Shelly, Brennan, and Max were there too! I had made shirts for Cash and Max to wear, Cash's said "Naughty" in red and green letters and I had sewn on green and white striped fabric to make long sleeves. Max's said "Nice" in red and green letters with red and white striped sleeves! They were adorable! We ate and Tori and Jordan opened their b-day gifts from everyone. Craigan, Cash, Brennan, Shelly, Max, and I got her a gold Juicy Charm Bracelet and we got Jordan, who's b-day is the 29th, a dress shirt from Express. They seemed to really like the gifts so we were happy!
Birthday Girl, Tori...
Tori and Max
The shirt says it all...

Max opening his gifts...

Brennan and Shelly

Cash just had to go outside, we did manage to get a picture with some snow...

I hope Tori had a great Birthday! We had a great visit and can't wait for everyone to come down for the party on Saturday! Happy Birthday Tori! Love Craigan, Jessica, and Cash

Friday, December 25, 2009

Cash's First Christmas

Merry Christmas!!! This morning we woke up and had Christmas with Cash! Santa brought cash a Sit n Spin pony and a rubber piano that you step on to play!! After we played with his new toys I called everyone in Harrison hoping to hear good news about the weather! I have been a nervous wreck about the ice/snow storm that was supposed to come through Arkansas last night! It rained so much here that they shut down a part of the interstate going from Little Rock to Benton/Bryant area! I have been making shirts for Cash and Max that they have to wear while celebrating Christmas in Harrison! I worked so hard on them and wanted them to be seen in their adorable shirts!! Thankfully, they said the weather would be fine for us to travel so we headed up today around 10:00 a.m.. We arrived around 12:45 p.m. and ate a wonderful spread of food. I loved the bread and deviled eggs!! Everything was wonderful though!! We visited with all of our family and I met some members of the family for the first time too! Cash did great on the way up and once we got there! He looked so cute in his Christmas tree shirt that I made him! He got the cutest clothes and toy from Mary, Sam, Tori, and Jordan. I can't wait for him to wear them!
Cash in his Christmas tree shirt, made by Mommy!
Opening presentsWe had a great first Christmas with Cash. His birthday is now less than a week away and I have soooooooooo much to do! I am so emotional right now too, all these firsts so close together. I literally started crying this past Thursday because I realized that in one week I would have a one year old. It has flown by so fast! I hope everyone had a ONEderful Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Going to See Santa

Well, I thought I was going to have to miss getting Cash's picture taken with Santa on his first Christmas! Luckily, I found out that Santa would be at the mall Christmas Eve until 6. So I loaded Cash up and we went to see Santa! We didn't stand in line very long at all, just about 30 minutes or so. I thought that he would be good and take a good picture. Well, I will let you be the judge of how he did....

I think he didn't care for Santa much! I think it was the beard!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Round One!

Tonight Craigan, Cash, Carol, Dennis, and I went out to Brennan, Shelly, and Max's house to have Christmas with our families. Shelly made roast and all kinds of good food. We all unwrapped gifts from Craigan and Brennan's Mom and Dad. We had all got together and bought Dennis and Carol a gift from all of us. I was so excited to give it to them once I received it in the mail. I went through and ordered a blanket with a picture that we had taken of the boys. I have been a busy bee, I have been making shirts for Cash and Max for Christmas and somehow along the way I ended up making some extras for friends. I enjoy doing it though so I had fun. We used the shirts I made for the blanket picture even though they weren't all the way done when we had to take the picture! The Picture We Used....

The Blanket...
Dennis and Max

Brennan and Cash

Cash and Max

Cash being silly....

Cash's moose that he got to match his moose book

Monday, December 21, 2009

Here Comes Santa Claus...

My Mom and Dad came by tonight to see Cash and give him a gift that my Dad got him.

Behold.....Santa Claus is Here!!!
My Dad bought this Santa outfit for him today and he loved it! I must admit it was pretty cute! He also loves this car that Dad got him a while back. He's a pretty cute Santa I must say....

Santa also enjoys patti-cake...

And this is Cash's First Christmas plate. Made from his hand and foot prints! Isn't it too cute! I love it and I couldn't wait to pick it up!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Oh The Places We Will Go....

.....And the places we will find things! I have been finding the strangest things in the weirdest places! Cash has figured out that he really loves putting things inside of things! For example, we found his toothbrush in the dog food bag, the remote in the pack-n-play caddy(covered with a towel), a syringe for Motrin or Tylenol in my Ugg boot, his toothbrush again in a toy, etc...., It is the funniest thing to see where things will end up.

Putting His Toothbrush in the Toy....

Also, another new and exciting milestone, we starting taking a bath with out Mr. Duck. Yes, he is retired for bath time. So I got Cash a new shower curtain and rug for HIS bathroom. I wanted to make it kiddish but still modern-ish.

Mr. Duck going Bye-Bye.....

Cash's new shower curtain, it has owls, squirrels, and trees....

His new bath rug...

And, drum roll please, him in the big boy bath....

I really think he loves it, it gives him so much more freedom to move and now we have to get bath toys! The duck was too small for toys to fit so now I need to add that to the Christmas/Birthday gift list!

This is the new use for Mr. Duck. Cash likes riding him and getting in and out of him! We also have a new tooth poking through, it is the right one next to the two center lower teeth! That makes a total of 7 teeth so far! I am sure that doesn't make his sickness any better but hopefully it will come through quickly!
I hope everyone has a great week and I can't wait for Christmas!!!!