Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cash's First Play Date

Cash and Emmy at the water table
He has his eye on a rubber duck!

He is loving this mirror! Just like his daddy!

Megan, Kim, and I decided to take the kids to The Wonderplace for a little while today! Cash was a little too young but still enjoyed himself! Him and Emmy played a little and Hayden, Kim's little boy had a blast! He is so cute! Cash passed out half way through and slept until we left pretty much! He did manage to dirty a diaper while we were there too! His first public diaper change!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
From Craigan, Jessica, and Cash

Friday, March 6, 2009

Great Grandparents Part Deux (My Side)

Nana and Cash
Nana and Cash sleeping together! How SWEET!

Well, we went to see my Nana this weekend, my Mom and I. After driving, practically, through a tornado and severe hail damage to my vehicle, we made it! I have never felt the way I felt while driving a couple nights ago, motherhood is amazing. I felt the urge to do everything in my power to protect my baby boy from this awful storm we traveled through. Used to I would be so scared of storms, and trust me I still am, but I didn't care about anything more than getting Cash out of my car into a safe house! Luckily, we did safely arrive to my Uncle Tony's house in Sherman, TX. Watch out for those Texas Tornadoes! Otherwise, we had a great visit and I think my Nana really enjoyed seeing another Great Grandchild! I think she has, in the ballpark range, about 5 or so, maybe more...We have a good sized family on my Mom's side so sorry if I am wrong on the numbers! We are home and safe now so I will meet with my insurance about my car soon!