Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ready for School

I just had to post this cute picture of Cash! I took it before we left for school this morning and I just love it! He is doing pretty well in school, he cries when they get him out of the car but I always call up there after I get home to make sure he stops and he always does! Thank God! He says he rides the slide with his friends and carries his backpack! He is such a big boy!!

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Garage Sale

Today my friend, Ashley, and I decided to have a garage sale! She is about to have a new baby and they are moving into a new house! I, on the other hand, needed to get rid of a couple of items that have been lying around the house! We also thought it would be a good time to let Cash and Elliott play! Needless to say, they had a blast! Ashley had gone to Krispy Kreme and bought football donuts that Cash just had to have and made a HUGE mess out of! We had a great time and I made 45.00! Not bad, huh?

Cash with his donut...

Cash eating the donut....

Cash with Elliott....

Cash also decided to tatoo himself with pens at the garage sale....

Afterwards, we went out to my parents to eat and Mom bought Cash a Razorback hat!

We had a fun day and made a little money too!

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Veggie Tales Live

Today I took Cash, Jacob, and Noah to see Veggie Tales live! We got there early so we got great seats and they had awesome lighting so the kids really enjoyed watching these stars on the ceiling! We had just picked Cash up from school and so I wasn't sure if we would make it through or not....well we didn't! We had to leave at intermission, all three of them were losing it! Cash was fighting sleep and I think the boys were too! I think Cash needs to be a little older before we start taking him to this kind of stuff! I was hoping he would love it! We did have fun the first 30-40 minutes though!

The stage....

All of us....

Cash watching the movie they were playing before the show started....

The boys looking at the stars....

The stars that they were watching....

Bob Larry and the gang....

Cash and Jacob watching the show....

This is why they were acting the way they were and we had to leave. Also, this was literally before we pulled out of the parking lot.....haha...

Maybe we will try it again, not around nap time though!

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ashley's Baby Shower

Today was one of my best friends baby shower, which was thrown at my house! I love throwing showers and I thought Dr. Seuss would be such a cute idea! So I went to working painting and cutting out huge styrofoam characters, with a little help from Kim! Thanks Kim! I have to say it turned out wonderfully and everyone loved the theme!
The Cat in the Hat welcomed everyone as they walked in...

My mantle....

Megan helped me make these party poms out of tissue paper and they sat in a bowl on my coffee table with candy dishes full of M&M'S on either side.....

This was my favor table. I made Thing 2 stickers since this is her second baby, and placed the stickers on a cellophane bag filled with blue cotton candy to mimic Thing 2's hair and the tied it off with red tulle. They turned out so cute!

One Fish...Two Fish....Red Fish....Blue Fish....

Thing 1 and Thing 2....

The food table....We had green eggs and ham pinwheels, chicken salad sandwiches, cake, and a fruit tray along with some Pink Yink Ink Drink(punch)!

A picture of all the hostesses and the Mommy and sister-to-be....

I also had Dr. Seuss books and stuffed animals placed all around the house for decor and had a Dr. Seuss movie playing on my t.v. through out the shower! I had a blast and everyone seemed to have a good time so I would say it was a success! Ashley got a lot of cute stuff too! Now we just have to wait to see Easton when he comes!

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Shirts...

Just a quick post to show off my newest projects! HOG Shirts!

I made this one for my friend, Alicia's, little girl, Riley....

And of course Cash had to have one too....

Too cute huh?
- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cash's First Day of School

The day has come, I started Cash in a two day a week pre-school program, and today is his first day! I am very emotional! Sad, then happy, then sad again! I was dreading dropping him off since I didn't know how he would react but I kept telling myself this is what is best for him and he needs this! We got all dressed, gathered his backpack, and took some pictures before we left.

I love this one....

I did great as I was taking him and as I took him to his room. He did wonderfully as well. The teacher took him from me and I hid so he couldn't see me just to ensure he wasn't going to lose it! HE NEVER DID!!! I was so sad, I felt like he didn't care that I had dropped him off but then again I was happy too because maybe this is what he wants, to have friends and go to school! I cried like a baby for about 15 minutes and then I realized that he was going to have so much fun and hopefully love school!

Cash's Classroom door...

Finally, 11:30 came and I got to see my precious baby again. He did GREAT! They said he was the only kid in his class that didn't cry his first day! Way to go Cash! They said he had a GREAT day and was so sweet!

Right after I picked him up...

He must have done something good because he had stamps on both hands....

And finally, his first report card....

I am so proud of you Cash. You are such a big boy and Mommy loves you more than anything on this planet!!! You are growing up a little too fast though! If you could just slow down a little that would make me very happy! I love you so much!!

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cash's New Wagon

We finally got a wagon for Cash! I have been looking for a good deal on one and my Mom finally found it! This wagon is usually around 70.00 and she got this one on clearance for 35.00! Great Job! Cash absoultely loves it too!

He loves the little door....

He also loves pushing and pulling it himself....

Thank you La La for my new wagon, I love it!

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

So Sad....

Bye Bye Pittsburgh.....We had to leave today and I was sad to go! I think Lindsey was sad for us to go too! Cash got to hold Sydney one more time before we were off to the airport....

And me too....

Plane hanging from ceiling in Pittsburgh airport...

Lindsey dropped us off and we were off to our first stop/lay over.....Chicago.....

On the plane again....

Coming into Chicago...one of the Great Lakes....Looks like an ocean huh?

This was Cash once we got off the plane in Chicago....

Cash and Ella...

And one hour into our 3 hr lay over Cash awakens....

And of course we had to buy a Chicago shirt!
Everything had been going smoothly until Chicago. When we were getting onto the plane I just had a weird feeling but I just got on anyways and told myself it's nothing just a little anxiety....Wow, was I wrong, always trust your instincts! After we backed away from the gate we sat and we sat and we sat some more...at this point I talking myself through this...ok its a busy airport, maybe there's a traffic jam on the runway.....nope so the pilot comes on and says, "Well just wanted to give you an update....uhhh...it looks like we have a hydraulic issue we will have to be pulled back in and have someone look at the problem and see if we need a new plane. The hydraulics is basically what operates everything on the plane so we will se if it's a quick fix or we need a new plane." WHAT!!???? I never wanted off a plane so bad in all my life....luckily we did get a new plane and off we went, back to Little Rock! Thank You God!!!

This picture was out the window of our new plane and looking at our broke plane....
This was pretty much Cash's stance the whole plane ride....

Somewhere over Arkansas....

We finally made it back home! Thank You Jesus because I didn't think we would make it at one point! We had so much fun in PA and I am so glad we went even though I HATE to fly!!

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone