Monday, April 26, 2010

Busy Already

We are so busy already and it's not even summer yet! We have showers, birthday parties, and weddings to attend all within the next three weeks!(yes, all plural) Talk about exhausted!! Anyways, I thought I would put up some random videos and pictures because I haven't blogged in a while! Cash has figured out how to make himself dizzy and it's pretty hysterical! He also now knows eyes, nose, mouth, and hand. I tried all night last night to get it on video but of course he would run away once I hit record! Do they really know that we have hit the record button? Every time I do he's gone!

I hope everyone has a great week and please excuse Craigan and Me laughing like hyenas in the first video! It was just too funny watching him spin around and around and then fall!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Relaxing Sunday

Craigan and I have been talking for a while about getting involved in a church and which ones we should try. We want a church that has great kids' programs for Cash's benefit! Well, we finally tried The Church at Rock Creek and we REALLY liked it a lot! It was our speed. Full of energy and people our age! The message was a great one on Sunday, The Key to Everything. It was about not judging, not condemning, and forgiving. It was so nice because the Pastor puts into real world scenarios so that you can directly relate to the topic and bible! We will keep attending until we think we need to move on or go ahead and become members. I took a picture of the stage because it looked so neat! Then we went home and my parents came by the bring Cash this inflatable castle! We played in the yard the rest of the day! I hope everyone has a great weekend! Also, if your looking for a church you should give Rock Creek a try!
The Stage...

Cash's Castle....

Taking break and eating a snack...Also, I forgot to throw in that, yes, I did drop Cash off at the church nursery, yes, I did cry like a huge baby, and, yes, he did GREAT! The workers were sooooo nice and understanding! This was my first time to EVER leave him with anyone other than my or Craigan's mom! I was so happy he did so well!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cash's First Swim Lesson

Today was Cash's first swimming lesson at Little Rock Athletic Club! I was just going to do it in May but I decided to go ahead and pay for two months, good thing I did because Cash was pretty scared today! He is not afraid of the water but he didn't like going under too much! He had a death grip on me and wouldn't let go! I felt bad but the instructor said to work on the things they hate the most and they will do a lot better! Other than Cash being scared we did have a good time! I will keep everyone updated on his progress!(Hopefully there will be some to update you with!)
Cash getting ready to dive in...

Cash and me

Meeting new friends...The only time he smiled....He can climb out all on his own...

Learning to float....All done! I hope next time goes better.....
I can't wait to see how the lessons go and the progress he will make! I just know he will do so well and be a little fish this summer!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

This Easter was so much fun! Cash was actually old enough to participate! We left to go to Harrison friday afternoon and went to Sam and Mary's house to eat creamy tacos, which were amazing, then we let the boys play for a while and we all went to bed!

Cash and Max playing

Tori holding Cash and Max

Cash, Papaw, and Me

Jordan and Cash

Saturday we all hung out, went shopping, and grilled out! We could not have asked for a better weekend! It was beautiful!

Cash and Mama and Max and Cash
We all dyed Easter eggs Saturday night and waited for the Easter bunny to come!

Our monster Easter eggs!

Happy Easter!!!! The Easter bunny came to see Cash and he got all kinds of goodies!!

Cash was taking Chloe for a spin on his motorcycle and she was also helping him hunt eggs.