Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hurry Up Thanksgiving...

.....I am ready for Christmas! Ok, so I was a little anxious this weekend so I decided last night, that I would put up my Christmas tree! I am so excited too because I LOVE it! I love my house at Christmas! Kelly, Cash, and I went shopping for Kell's tree on Saturday and that pretty much took all day. We went to Silks-a-Bloom, Target, and Tipton-Hurst, which by the way has 6.00 rolls of mesh! Afterwards, Cash and I went home and hung out. Once he went to bed I went to work on my tree. It was 8:15 when I started and 11:00 when I finished! At least it is done and I can sit around the day after Thanksgiving now! Today, we really didn't do much. Megan, Rick, and Emilee came by to see Cash and let Emilee and him play! He was sleepy so he was acting terrible. He was mad at everything pretty much! He would throw himself in the floor when he didn't like something! Afterwards, he took a nap from 4:30 to 6:15, he may never go to sleep tonight! He also has a new favorite food, Fruity Cheerios. He loves them! Well, I hope everyone has a good "short" week of work and Thanksgiving!
The Tree

Cash trying to destroy the tree!I found these cute plastic ice cream cones at Target, I was going to use them on the tree but they ended up not looking very good. Cash Loves them though.

Cash and Emilee...

Cash and his Fruity Cheerios...

Yummy! I also have to tell you about these new great shoes called Skidders. They sell them at Target for 12.99, they are adorable....They are socks on top and rubber soles on bottom! I love them and the girls version is super cute! They have some that resemble the Trumpette socks, which Cash lived in for the first 6 months! Everyone needs to go check these out!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Love, The Copelands

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thanks Raleigh Caroline!

I have been tagged by Taylor from Raleigh Caroline!
Here are the rules:
List 10 things that make you happy
Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day
Make sure to link back to the person who tagged you!
10 Things That Make Me Happy
1. CASH! I couldn't love anything more than this precious baby we have! He amazes me everyday!
2. My husband, I love being married!
3. Seeing people give to others, especially those in need! I cry everytime I see something good happening!
4. Seeing Christmas decorations, I LOVE Christmas time!
5. Playing with my doggies, Mya and Aspen.
6. Being surrounded by family, especially around the holidays.
7. Making things or decorating things
8. Shopping, what girl couldn't say that shopping doesn't make them happy!
9. Spending time with my friends
10. My long hair, that is no longer with me, I am so ready for it to grow back out!
Tagged Bloggers:
OK, so since I have not been blogging long, I basically tagged everyone I follow on a day to day basis and all I have is 7!
Here are some pictures of Cash smashing his face against the door, again. He thinks he is so funny when he does this! I must admit, it is quite humorous!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sorry, it has taken me so long to get some new pictures up but we have just been so busy! We went to Harrison this weekend to see Craigan's family and spend time with them since we will be staying here for Thanksgiving. Criagan went "hunting" again with his uncle and some of their friends while Cash and I hung out with his family. I managed to get into an argument over an egg roll while visiting too! We went to get take out and I wanted Chinese food, well I got more than I bargained for with the lady at the drive-thru, long story short, I thought an egg roll came with my order and apparently it did not come with an egg roll, even though it clearly stated that it did! Oh well, it gave us all a good laugh! We also went to see a house down the street from Craigan's grandparents house, that I love, it is up for auction and I would love to have the money to buy and gut it! It has so much potential! We had a great time and are glad we got to visit and spend time with everyone!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Our Little Beethoven

I thought this was funny, Cash was watching Jacob and Noah bang on the piano today and he decided he would try it out too!

You might have to turn up your volume to hear his masterpiece! We are going to Harrison this weekend to see our family, kind of an unofficial Thanksgiving since we will be staying in Little Rock this year. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will have some cute pictures to post when we get back!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Cash's Article

Here is a link to an article that was written on the KARK 4 News website about Cash winning the Costume Contest! Click here-> to view the article! Again, we can not thank everyone enough for your votes! THANK YOU!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cash's Walking Weekend

I think it is official now, Cash is walking!!! He can walk across the living room, turn himself around, and walk back, all without falling, for the most part! He is doing such a good job! This weekend we did a whole lot of nothing! We did go shopping all day Saturday for Christmas decor! I LOVE Christmas shopping and decorating more than any other season! I have even contemplated putting my tree up now instead of the traditional, day after Thanksgiving. I just don't think Christmas trees can be up too long! I wish I could have my house decorated Christmas year round!!! I gave a sneak peak at what my theme will be for Christmas this year(see pictures below)! Ok, enough about how much I love Christmas! Today, Sunday, we woke up and I cooked breakfast. We had eggs, bacon, and biscuits. Which brings me to my next topic, my bacon press. I don't know how to cook bacon other than in the microwave, until now! I am so excited! Jimmy, Craigan's Uncle, brought me a bacon press and I was so excited to use it! My bacon came out perfectly( see photos below) then Cash and I went shopping with my mom and dad. We went to the mall, Gordman's, Micheal's, and then to Olivie Garden! We really had a great time! I hope everyone has a great week and Check out my kid walking and my perfect bacon, for the first time!!!!!

Before we left....

At the mall, eating a cracker, laid back...

And now for the Christmas sneak peak....

I know your probably thinking, lollipops???? But I am trying to remake a tree I saw at Silks a Bloom. It was so stinking cute! Cash's birthday party is the next weekend and I thought it would be too cute to have a candy themed Christmas tree for all the kids that will be here! I can't wait to show you the end result!

This is my cute little bacon press, brand new...

Here it is hard at work...

TADA! Perfect bacon


Friday, November 6, 2009

WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hooray for Cash!!! We won the KARK 4 News Kids Halloween Costume Contest!!! It was announced this morning on KARK Today between 5-7a.m. I don't know if it will be re announced through out the day, but it is a possibility! So if you missed it you can try to catch it later on today at noon, 5, or 6p.m.. I recorded this video from my phone when they announced it this morning! On behalf of Cash, Craigan and I would like to thank everyone who voted and made this possible for Cash!! THANK YOU ALL FOR VOTING!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Walking Video

Well I hope you can tell from this video, what Cash is doing! WALKING!!!!!! He is still just taking 3-4 steps here and there and sometimes more than that! He is getting really good at it too!


Monday, November 2, 2009


Ok, this award was awarded to me by Kristen Harvey at The Harvey's Blog. I hope I am doing this correctly! I am so excited to get this award! Thank you so much Kristen! Kristen and I don't really know each other personally but my husband and her husband are fraternity brothers and Craigan, I believe, used to work for the same company as Kristen, several years ago. I hear lots of great things about her, we will have to get our families together sometime!
So, when awarded the award, there are a few rules!
1)You must thank the person who gave the award and list their blog and link it.
2) You must share "10 Honest Things" about yourself.
3) You have to present this award to others whose blogs you find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged you.
4) Last, you must tell those people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving the award.
10 Honest Things About Me....
1. I am extremely OCD, not the kind where you do things a number of times, but I obsess about things(especially the H1N1 Flu)
2. I love being around family as much as possible.
3. I love a challenge!
4. I am very crafty/creative.
5. I love the fall now, even though I thought nothing was better than summer when I was younger.
6. I love giving gifts so much that I practically have to wait until the day of or before to buy the gift. I can't stand to wait to give gifts, especially if it is one I know you will love!
7. I love being a mommy.
8. I am addicted to ebay and
9. I love shopping for Cash more than myself.
10. I am extremely emotional now, after having a kid! At the flu clinic, I was tearing up just watching the little kids getting their shots. Little things get me.
My Awards
1. I will award Brandy from The Risner's. She has the cutest little boy named Hudson and I loved his owl costume for Halloween! Brandy's husband and my husband are also fraternity brothers!
2. I will also award Sarah from The Mizell's, they have been through a lot in the last couple of weeks and I think that they need to know how many people have read, care, and are praying for them through their hardships. I am sure Weslee was absolutely gorgeous!
3. Lastly, I will award Kim from The Phillips Family. She is extremely creative and just did a great job in her son, Hayden's, room. She hand painted Dr Suess characters all over his wall! Her husband is also who takes all of Cash, Emilee, and Hayden's pictures, as well as many others. Check out his site at
This is all, I would have awarded Megan from The Wilson's but I think I have to do people who haven't been awarded yet. Like I said, I don't even know if I have done this properly but I hope I have! Thank you again Kristen for awarding me!
Ok, I also don't know why the spacing is all messed up sorry!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Booster Seats and Toilet Paper Sledding

This morning Craigan, Cash, and I decided we would go eat breakfast at Satellite Cafe. We love their breakfast, however, when we got there, they didn't have highchairs! Cash is a big boy but not that big! Anyways, it ended up being our only option so we tried the booster seat. He did ok with it, he kept trying to stand and look out the window. I asked for bananas for him and he ate them ok but he was trying to grab my plate and drink the whole time! Needless to say, we won't be going back until he is a big boy!
Cash found this to be extremely fun! I had bought a package of toilet paper and he decided to put his hands on it and push with his feet to walk across the floor! Afterwards, Craigan got him and sat him on top of it. He pushed him all around the living room! Cash loved it, whenever Craigan would stop he would crawl back over to the toilet paper and look up at him!