Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cash and Max Meet

Cash Checking Baby Max Out!
Too Cute!

After a 25 day stay in the NICU, May 31, 2009 Max got to go home. He couldn't really be around other children or go places for a while so that he wouldn't get any infections since he was so tiny! Finally, after the long wait Shelly, Brennan, and Max got to come over for dinner and Max and Cash got to know each other! We look forward to our children growing up together and being great friends!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Cash's New Big Boy Car Seat

Clearly he thinks it's comfy too!
He looks so big!!
For those who don't know me personally, I have a large child! He is a little over 6 Mo and weighs 20 lbs. and is around 29", therefore he has outgrown his infant carseat! So, after much research, I found the Recaro convertiable carseat! It feels so soft and comfy, I want to ride in it! It is huge though!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cash's First Sink Bath

Isn't he adorable!I had to sensor that one!

Unfortunately, Craigan's Grandmother passed away Monday night and we had to go to Harrison, AR for her funeral! We stayed at his aunt and uncle's lake house and so we gave Cash a bath in the sink! I think he actually had fun!