Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Well, we have snow!!! About 4 1/2-5 inches to be exact! We ran to Wal-Mart to grab a couple things, which I always make fun of but did it anyways, and by the time we came out this is what happened....

Once we left the store we headed home and to my surprise, the roads were already covered!!

And this was about 5 minutes later on our street....

Cash on the deck in his hog pajamas....

Snow falling....

Aspen enjoying the snow....

Mya, not enjoying the snow, she's our baby and always wants in unless it's perfect weather outside....

At 3 1/2 in....

1 hour later we have 4 1/2 in...

Cash playing in the snow....

He wasn't so sure of the snow all over him....

Daddy teaching him to make snowballs....

Riding his four wheeler....

Now time for some swinging...

We had so much fun in the snow!

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tube Day

Today, my little buddy had tubes put in his ears! Hopefully, by doing this, we will prevent those awful ear infections! We went in at 6:45 and checked in, Cash went in in good spirits! He was laughing and playing with his La La! They called our name and we went back to the pre-op room and that's when he realized he probably wasn't going to like what was happening. The Dr. came in and explained to us the exact procedure and how long it would take. This is the point I started crying. I just felt so bad but knew we were doing the right thing! Then the nurse came and took him from me kind of, without warning, I think she knew it was best for me and Cash! Of course, he totally lost it at that point, he was screaming my name and saying he wanted me! It literally took all I had not to run after that nurse and take him back, but again, I knew I was making the right choice by going through with the surgery. Craigan and I went to the waiting room, sat down, pulled out our phones to update everyone, and then there was the doctor! Literally, 5 minutes later, it was all over and he did wonderfully! Thank God!! I we went back to see him in recovery and he was still under anesthesia but starting to come out of it. I was holding him and rocking him, dying for him to open his eyes. And when he did, wow, he was not happy. He was swinging his fists, arching his back, and crying! Poor baby, this only lasted about 10-15 mins., and then, it was like nothing happened! By the time we got home he was totally fine! I am SO glad that's over!

Right when we got home....

Even a smile peeking through...

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, January 7, 2011

Visiting Baby Easton

Today we went to my friend Ashley's house to see baby Easton! Cash is over the moon about babies ever since our trip to Pittsburgh! So of course he had to hold him the whole time we were there! It was too cute! I can't wait until they grow up and see these pictures!

Cash giving Easton a kiss...,

Ha....this is so funny..,,

We had a good visit and baby Easton is doing wonderfully!!! I'm so happy for Ashley, Toby, and Elliott!

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, January 3, 2011

Cash's Version of Sliding

This apparently the new way to slide, per Cash! I'm sure we will end up in an E.R. if he keeps this type of stuff up!

YouTube Video

Geeezzzz.....thanks for the slide Tori! Ha

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone