Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cash's New Jeans and Shirt

Cash's 2nd pair of designer jeans came in today!! I am so excited! I also made him a fall shirt that I love! It looks so cute on him!!

How cute are these????

His new shirt... It's a brown vest with a camo tie... I can't wait for fall....

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sydney is Here!!!

One of my best friends from high school just gave birth to her first little girl!! Sydney Elizabeth Ward 7lbs 3 ozs, 21" at 3:07p.m. in Pittsburgh, PA.

Sweet girl! Cash and I get to see her in two weeks!!!
- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, August 19, 2010

JumpZone and Designer Jeans

Today I took the boys to JumpZone to let them run and slide off some energy!! I know I have blogged about JumpZone several times but I wanted to show u the size of these slides because they are huge and Cash will do everything by himself! Look closely at the bottom right-hand side of the picture below, you will see my mom which is a 5' 6-7" tall woman! That will give you an idea of how huge these inflatables are!

The child has no fear!
After we left JumpZone, we stopped by our house to check the mail for Cash's first pair of designer jeans!!! A brown pair of True Religions! I wanted a pair for him months ago but Craigan said not until he's older and we get some wear out of them so now is the time!!! I am so excited because they are the cutest things I have ever seen and Craigan loves them on Cash!

Cutest booty in town!!! His denim ones are on the way! They match his daddy's!!! I can't wait!
- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

" I wanna wide the wide"

Cash's favorite thing in his precious little world is, as he says, "widing the wide", also known as riding the slide! He LOVES slides!! So tonight after dinner Craigan and I decided to take Cash to the park to let him "wide the wide"!

Hanging from the monkey bars...

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bye Bye Diaper Bag....

Hello big boy bag!!! It's finally done!!! Cashs owl backpack! I found something similar online and it was pretty pricey so I decided, ok I will just make one myself! My next thought, geez why didn't I just buy the one online??! But I wanted fabric that I chose and I wanted it to be larger. I cut out everything freehand, without any pattern and starting sewing! I was to the last two parts to be sewn and, of course, my machine's tension got all out of sorts! Tension blows my mind so I got 15 minutes from being done and couldn't finish!! I was so sad and frustrated! Luckly my friend, Kims, mom knows how to sew and she helped me finish the last two stitches!!! Oh I could kiss her, I am so excited IT IS FINISHED!!!! Thank you so much Deda!!!

My beloved Juicy Couture diaper bag....

Cashs new owl backpack...


Side shot...

Cash modeling his new big boy backpack...

(now can you see the bare spot in the back, middle of his head where his daddy chopped his hair off??? If not look at the picture above again please, yes it's there!)

I am so proud of my creation!!! Never making another one! It was pretty tough without a pattern!!

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


First of all, let me say, I am obsessed with my childs beautiful curls! I was away from the house when I get a text from my husband that says, " I just gave Cash a haircut", I read it and immediately thought oh he just joking like always well I called him to have the reassurance that he was just joking but no, not this time! He REALLY did cut my childs hair for the first time when I wasn't there, took no pictures, and threw away his gorgeous locks! I made him dig them out of he trash and didn't talk to him pretty much the rest of the night! He cut the biggest curl out of the back of Cashs head!! Ughhhhhh..... Anyone know how to make hair grow faster???

You can't tell much from this picture, but there is a bare spot in hhe middle of his head....

I'm going to bed...I'm sick to my stomach...

Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, August 9, 2010

It's Official...

Cash is enrolled in pre-school!!!
I know, those of you who know me personally can't believe it, but it has happened! He needs it for his development and to know there is more to life than me! It's really bittersweet, I am excited because I know it will be great for him but on the other hand I can't imagine dropping him off yet! He will be attending Asbury Christian Child Devlopment Center(ACCDC). He will start September 14th and will go Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-11:30. He will have creative movement, music, art, chapel, and all kinds of classes! He is the youngest child in his pre-school class but that actually makes me happy, I would not want him to be the oldest! When we went today to take care of all the registration stuff he saw the playground and was so excited! I asked him if he was excited about starting school here and he shook his head yes! Hopefully he has a great experience!

Cashs school....

Excuse the window shots.... It was a one way street in front of the playground and sign....

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Oh Man!

Cash's newest saying is....Oh Man! It's so funny to hear him saying this and no he didn't get it from Dora, he won't watch tv to save his life! I say it sometimes and so maybe he picked it up from me or his La La(my mom).

Hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Busy Bee's

Kim and I have been busy bee's working on Cash's birthday party/Ashley's baby shower decor! Thankfully I have help! This is a huge project and we have been working on these all week! Kim brought baby Harper to help too and Cash loved her! He would try to pick her up, give her hugs, and feed her cookies and ketchup! It was so adorable! I hope his party is amazing! I can't wait!

Cash before we started working...

Trying to pick Harper up....

Giving Harper hugs...


Yes, we are handpainting each one and then we will cut them out so they will stand up....

There are still 3-4 more characters that we have to paint and then we still have to finish the ones above too! What and undertaking! Thanks for the help Kim!!
- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Funday Sunday

This is how our Sunday started out.....

Cash's favorite breakfast.....powered donuts!

Then we hung around the house, went to the mall, and then went to of Cash's other favorite things in life! He totally LOVES this place and these slides are not small by any means! He does them all by himself! Take a look....

Cash climbing up and sliding down on his own....

After JumpZone we went to Beef O Brady's to eat dinner and he decided he wanted to sit on top of the table to eat his nuggets and "ryes", as he calls them....

This boy loves ketchup!!!

Then he found the arcade room....

He wanted to stay and play on this race car game!! He is very strong willed at this point! We had such a great time tonight and hopefully he will go to bed early!!

-Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone