Monday, August 31, 2009

Our 8 Month Old Woodchuck...

Well here it is, the 31st, Cash is 8 months old today! I can not believe how fast time flies! This has been the best eight months of my life though! Every month brings new milestones and excitement! We are so proud of Cash and love him so much! However, the woodchuck part....well just check out the pictures...I noticed he has been chewing on his crib railing but never really evaluated the situation! There are a ton of teeth marks all over the rail! He is so funny, but hey, whatever makes those teeth come on through!
Happy 8 Month Birthday Cash!!
I didn't mean for this to happen but it turned out kinda cool!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekend of First's

After the the first boo boo and the first cooking lesson, today Cash, Emilee, Megan, and I went to the park (Cash's first trip). Em had so much fun riding to and from the park with Cash. She was squealing and banging her passy on the car seat latch! Little miss entertainer! They had fun swinging, sliding, and watching the other children. However, Cash was a little unsure of the swing and licked the platform that you stand on to go down the slide! Yes, it was disgusting! Oh well kids will be kids! Afterwards, we went back to Em's house to play where Kim and Hayden met up with all of us! We had a fun filled day with all of our friends! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Is this better Kell?? Love ya

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cash's First Boo Boo and Cooking Lesson

Well, it was bound to happen! Cash fell down and broke his crown! Not really, just bumped his face and gave himself a little bruise on his cheek! He was really tough though! He thinks he is such a big boy and tries to do more than he should! Then, my mom kept him for a little while tonight and they made banana nut bread! Which, aside from the nuts, was yummy! He clearly enjoyed his teething cookie and sippy cup more than cooking! He was a mess!

Also, today was Becca's baby shower! This is the canvas I painted to go in Shep's room! I was pretty happy with how it turned out! I hope they are!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Cash's Funny Face and New Tooth

Aspen and Mya
Mya (Yes, copied from Eight Below)
Ok, so tonight the back door was open that leads out to our deck. Cash loves this because he can stand against the glass door, which is locked and secured, and watch our two beautiful Siberian Huskies run wild in the backyard! Craigan snapped this picture as he was smashing his face into the glass door! I thought it was pretty funny, hopefully it will make you laugh too!! Just another update, Cash officially has four teeth. 3, yes 3 teeth on top and 1 on bottom, with the second one on bottom just right under the gum. I can't believe it, it's like we went to bed woke up he had two top teeth, then the next day he a bottom tooth, and I thought that second one on the bottom would be the next and what do you know the third one on the top popped out today! This kid is going to have a mouth full of teeth by the time he is 9 months old. I don't have a picture of the newest one yet because it's very hard to take pictures since he hates you touching his mouth, but I will try to get one. Who knows he might wake up in the morning with a couple more or eating a cheeseburger with all those teeth!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Past 7 Months

Cash's First Doctors Visit

Cash at a couple weeks January 09

One of Cash's First Smiles February 09
Cash Sitting Up On His Own June 09
Cash Crawling July 09

Cash Pulling Up! July 09
We have TEETH! Two on top, one on bottom! August 09

Wow! Seven months already gone by! Where does the time go? They grow up so fast! Teething has been the hardest stage thus far! He was not a happy camper for about two weeks! Craigan and I really weren't either! You can only survive so long on no sleep! I am so proud of Cash everyday and with each milestone! He is truly wonderful and amazing!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Exhausted Baby!

Cash, for the first time, was so tired he fell asleep while eating in his highchair! I had to get that picture! He was so worn out. He, Craigan, and I are lacking in the sleep department thanks to some friendly teeth!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Our 1 Year Anniversary

Where does the time go, seriously? We have been married one year today! I think we had a great day! I got Craigan a watch, his got stolen when our house got broken into 2 years ago and he has yet to replace it. He really liked it! We went to the mall to get links taken out and to pick out an anniversary band for my bridal set. We couldn't find one but we did go into Bailey, Banks, and Biddle where my dream ring, the one we looked at first and couldn't afford, was and they happen to be closing that store. They were having a massive sale and that ring just happened to be 75% off! I wanted to throw up! So I had to leave the store and we went home where I pouted around, anyways to make a long story short, he bought me my dream ring and surprised me with it later that day! I was totally shocked! He's not ever going to beat this years gift! The picture does not do it justice, it is beautiful! I love You Craigan and hope/know we will have plenty more exciting and fun years to come!