Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Day Saturday!

Oh what a mess we have outside! It is snowy, icy, and very cold! No one has left from our street and they have finally blocked off the main road to our house! I wish Cash could have been able to go sledding for the first time! UGHHHHH these stupid ear infections! They are ruling my life! Making my stress level go through the roof! He had a great day today though and he was actually being pretty silly, probably due to the weather couping us up for a couple of days! I was climbing the curtains too!
He found his tongue...

We had a frozen cheese pizza for dinner...he liked the box...
Hopefully, tomorrow we will leave the house! Cash keeps walking around saying bye bye, bye bye....he wants to get out just as bad as me!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010


Well, it's here, our first ice/snow. Of course Cash woke up with a low grade fever and another ear infection! I was trying to get him to the Dr. and then go to Angi's but the clinic was closed due to weather and when I tried to back out we started sliding. Luckily, the on-call Dr. called Cash in some medicine and Craigan went to Walgreen's to pick it up. He had some trouble getting out but he did make it, just in time too. It really started sleeting hard by the time he was getting back.
This was Friday...
This was Saturday...
Pretty big difference. It really came down this afternoon! Unfortunately, Cash didn't get to play in the snow due to his ear infection. Oh well, maybe next time! Everyone have a great snow/ice day!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cash's New T-Shirt

When Tori was in town, Cash, her and I went shopping. This was one of the shirts she bought him! I love it and think it is too cute! Its Bam Bam and Pebbles from the Flinstones!

Isn't he precious?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pow Pow Power Wheels 2....

I just had to add this video, Cash was holding on to the back of Jacobs 4-wheeler and as Jacob pressed the gas, Cash would hold on and run behind the 4-wheeler! It was too cute so I have to share.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Cash's New Trick

Here is Cash's newest trick! I can't keep him off of anything! I hope this is normal, has anyone else who has boys had to deal with excessive amounts of climbing? I swear this child is going to be a professional rock climber. He would literally climb up the walls if I would let him.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Max's Dedication Service

Today was Max's Dedication to the church! Tori, Craigan, Cash and I went and met Jimmy, Carol, Dennis, and Shelly's family at the church! It was a great service, all about the babies! There were 23 babies being dedicated today! Max and Cash both did great through out the whole service. Cash got a little wiggly the last 5 minutes, but all in all, he did really good! At the end of the service we gave Max a bible with his name imprinted on the cover. I loved it and thought it would be something he could use later in life! Then we went and ate at a Mexican restaurant in Bryant. It was so good! Cash and Max got sit next to each other in their highchairs! Cash was eating chicken and potato smiley faces. We shared some with Max and he loved the potatoes! Max had a teething toy that Cash really wanted to play with, Cash is not a very good sharer sometimes! He thinks whatever you have, he needs! Anyways, we left there and went home for nap time which, was desperately needed at that point! We had a great time!
Baby of Honor, Max...

Shelly, Brennan, and Max in chuch....

Craigan, Cash, and me in church....
Shelly and her dad, Ed....
Dennis and Ed

Jimmy being silly...

Reagan, Shelly's niece...
Linda and Grayson, Shelly's Mom and Nephew

Ed and Max

Craigan and Me
Tori and Brennan
Cash and Max playing...
Cash got to wear his new Munsingwear or Penguin Brand, button-up shirt. He looked precious! Max was wearing these adorable black dress shoes, slacks and a shirt with a sweater. He looked so cute! I am glad we got to be a part of this important day!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My 100th Post!

How appropriate, my 100th post is about shopping with Cash and Tori! Cash's cousin Max is being dedicated to their church tomorrow so Tori and Uncle Jimmy came into town from Harrison for the event! They went to coach a basketball game today so Tori, Cash, and I went to eat lunch and shop! We drove-thru McDonald's for Cash, of course, and then we went to Jimmy's Serious Sandwiches! I love that place! Cash ate his nuggets and fries there too. You can see his clever/lazy way for eating them out of the package instead of picking up each fry! He is so silly! Then it was off to the mall. We went to Dillard's, Indigo, Baby Gap, etc...,then we went to Target. Somewhere along the way Tori was grounded from buying things for Cash! She wanted to go shopping for herself then ended up buying for Cash and Max instead of herself! THANK YOU TORI! Cash will now be the best dressed 1-2 yr old ever! She also bought him some penguin pajamas from Baby Gap. I don't know that I have ever mentioned it, but Cash is obsessed with penguins. He Loves them! Anyways, this child went all day with us. We started at 11:45 a.m. and came home at 6:45 p.m.. To end the day we ate at Pei Wei, yummy!!!
Cash eating his fries out of the package....

Cash passed out in Target....And Finally...Cash in his penguin pjs....
Too cute, huh? Well, we had a full day. Time to go to bed, we have another packed day for tomorrow!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

1 Year Check-Up

Today we went to see Dr. Ledbetter for Cash's One Year Check-Up! He said that Cash is growing and developing perfectly! Hooray! He said he is even "advanced" in some developmental areas! He weighs 23 lbs.(38th percentile), he was 32 in. (84th percentile), and his head, well I don't remember the exact measurement but he was in the 80th percentile, which means, he has a big head! Oh well, he must have a big, smart brain! He also said we could go talk the the Otolaryngologist to see about tubes. We have that appointment February 2, so we will see what they say! Otherwise, he looked great!

This is the shirt that Kelly got him for his birthday.....
His hat matches perfectly....
Isnt this outfit the cutest thing ever? I just love it!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cash Loves Subway!

Well, apparently, Cash likes Subway sandwiches. Every time I get one, he wants a bite and ends up eating my sandwich instead of his lunch! Today, he asked for a bite, took the sandwich out of my hand, and took off.....

Here he was trying to eat my phone....

Big Bite....
By the way, he is doing really good. Fever free for now. We go to see Dr. Ledbetter tomorrow for his 1 year well-baby check-up, hopefully he is "well"! I am going to ask more questions and see what our options are for tubes. Please continue to pray for Cash and our family!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Look at this big boy.....

He grabbed the spoon from me while I was feeding him strawberry applesauce and just started feeding himself. He did such a great job. He also has more teeth! We now have 6 on top (four front teeth and the two teeth behind your pointy/eye/canine whatever they are called teeth), and three on bottom, with one more starting to come through.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Scariest Day of My Life

Thursday morning at 3:30 Cash woke up with a 102.7 fever, I gave him IB Profen and he and I both went back to sleep. I knew when we woke up that he probably had an ear infection. I took him to see Dr. Ledbetter and I was correct. He gave us antibiotics and sent us home. Cash was acting totally fine despite the ear infections. He was playing, eating, and drinking all day. I went to get Jacob and Noah around 2:00 p.m. and we all went to Wal-Mart to get groceries for dinner. We all went to Angi's afterward and everyone was playing and happy. Around 4:00 p.m. Thursday afternoon, Cash started getting fussy, which is normal because that is his nap time. I told Jacob and Noah to stay in the living room while I went and laid down with Cash to get him to sleep. I gave him his sippy cup with juice and he pushed it away. At that moment, Cash started seizing. I knew exactly what was happening due to the fact that I had Febrile Seizures as a child. I have heard a many story of things I used to do, so when he started I knew what this was. Did that calm me? Not a chance, I was hysterically screaming his name as loud as I could and blowing in his face. My baby was in my arms, lifeless, eyes rolled back, arms stiff, unresponsive, and convulsing. I was helpless. I just remember the 911 lady telling me I had to calm down, what??? Was she crazy??? My life was in my arms and not responding. How could I be calm? At one point his lips turned blue, but only for a brief second. When I told this to the 911 operator she proceeded to tell me the steps to do CPR on my baby. I LOST IT, when I figured out what she was telling me to do. When she told me to lay him on the ground, cup my hand under his neck, clear his airway, and place my cheek to his mouth to feel for air, I did feel him breathe. THANK GOD. She then told me to pick him up and console him, tell him its going to be OK, but that I had to calm down because he could feel me being scared. At this point he stopped seizing and was still lifeless and began moaning and crying for about the next 30 minutes. I tried my best to be calm but trust me I was FAR from calm. The actual seizure lasted for, if I had to guess, 30 seconds-2 minutes, I told the 911 operator that I just never thought I would have to do something like this when I was by myself. She then asked if I have a husband, I answered yes and gave her his phone number. 911 then notified Craigan of the situation, they would not let me off the phone until the emergency crew was there. She told him that your son has just had a seizure and you need to meet him and your wife at Children's ER. He was at work and this caught him totally off guard. He was there long before us. It seemed like forever before the ambulance got to Angi's. We got to the ER where I was surrounded by 5 nurses the second I walked through the door with my lifeless baby in my arms, moaning, and crying with his eyes closed. They immediately hooked him up to monitors and asked me tons of questions. They went and got Craigan from the waiting room and then my Dad was there. My mom came and Craigan's parents came as well. His temp was 102. something when we arrived. I have so many numbers in my head that I can't remember exactly. They gave him a suppository of Tylenol to start getting his fever down. The ER Dr. came in asked a ton of questions again and told us it was a Febrile Seizure, or in other words, a seizure related to a spike in fever, the same type I had as a child. He said they could have one they could have eight you just never know. So from now on we have to monitor his temp very closely. The trick is prevention, starting Tylenol/ IB Profen rotation at a low grade fever and as quickly as possible. The nurses were great, everyone was wonderful that saw us. One of the nurses even gave him two animals to play with that he got to take home with him! After 4 hours in the ER they finally got the fever down and were able to discharge us. They gave us literature on Febrile Seizures and assured us that this particular type is most common, can happen between the ages 6 mo-6yrs, and are NOT harmful. We went home and Cash came back to life a little he was playing and acting normal, just had some balance issues. He slept all night, from 10:30 p.m until 8:00 a.m., even slept through two doses of medicine. I, however, did not sleep a wink. I just stared at him all night. My precious baby. I would do anything in the world to not ever see anything like that seizure again. Cash is doing great now, still running a low-moderate fever at times, but I am still rotating medicine every 3 hours. Please pray for him and our family as we take a new direction in our lives. Please pray to help us deal with our situation in the best way we can, and that Cash will not have anymore of these, or if he does that he will be safe and healthy. I appreciate all the drs and nurses at Children's for being so supportive, kind, and helpful, and to all of our friends that knew that reached out to us to let us know they would do anything to help us out if needed. I really appreciate your kind words, thoughts, and prayers.

Starting to perk up at ER...

His animals and tag from the hospital...When we got home this is what he was doing, thank God his was acting more normal...

These were the marks from the monitors he was hooked up to....

Please keep our family in your prayers.


Craigan, Jessica, and Cash

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ear Infection-Round Two

Oh my goodness, is this really happening? Cash was a perfectly healthy baby for the first 11 1/2 months of his life. One week before Christmas, if you will remember, and two weeks before his birthday, Cash came down with pneumonia and double ear infections. That was the first major sickness. Now, here we are three weeks later and what do you know......another double ear infection! He started feeling warm and became clingy around 4:30 yesterday evening. I was supposed to go eat with Kelly and Lesley at 6:15 and I barely made it due to Cash having a fever. I just didn't want to leave him, but his fever broke and he was playing so I went on and had a great time! When I got home he was asleep and no fever. At 3:00a.m., he woke up with a fever of 102.7. Not fun! So we went to see Dr. Ledbetter, whom I highly suggest, and he confirmed that Cash has ear infections. His right ear, just inflamed and red, his left red, inflamed, and puss, as disgusting as that sounds. Poor baby, what am I going to do with these ears?

Hopefully he will get over this quickly! I pray this is the last one or I am afraid tubes could be in his future! I hope not, but it is a reality. Pray for Cash's little ears please!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Monkey Business

Our routine at night is bath, pjs, playtime, snack, bedtime. Well after his bath last night we went downstairs to get dressed. I have always put his diaper on, rubbed lotion all over him (love the smell of clean baby), put his medicated ointment stuff on his eczema spots, and then put his pjs on. Well, it never fails, he always wants to play with the prescription ointment for his eczema and it is in this metal tube so if you barely press on the tube it comes flying out. Well what do you think he guessed it......squeezes the tube as hard as he can. So this greasy, sticky substance comes squirting out everywhere. Not fun to clean up either! I always try to hide it in a bin that sits on the hearth of the fireplace. It holds his diapers, nail clippers, wipes(which he pulls out of the container by the handful), and many other things not meant for Cash to play with. I knew it would happen eventually but just look for yourself....this is what he was busy doing while I was cleaning up the kitchen.....

And this is how he got down...guessed he showed me huh?....

What am I going to do with this little monkey? We have been having all kinds of issues with him climbing. He climbs up the ottoman onto the chair and then proceeds to jump over the sides and back of the chair and does the same to the sofas! He will also hold onto the edge of the dining table and pull himself up off the ground! He is a mess. Let's just hope he doesn't follow in his father's footsteps, he was a VERY accident prone child.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Curly Locks!

I just couldn't resist taking a picture of these adorable locks today! Everyone gives me grief about my baby's curly hair but I personally think it is the cutest thing ever! I have curly hair and I knew there would be a good chance that he would get my curly gene! Just look at these curls......

One word....ADORABLE!

Ride Em' Cowboy

My in-laws bought Cash a Radio Flyer Race Horse for his birthday. We thought he would be a little too small for it this year but wow were we wrong! He loves this thing. Everytime he rides it he has a huge smile on his face! We have to stand beside him in case the horse bucks him off but otherwise he stays on by himself pretty well!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Preparing for Swimsuit Weather

I know this is a blog about my child, however, I need some accountability. As of today, Monday, January 11, 2010, I am on a mission to lose 25-30 lbs. by May 2010. That is approximately 1 1/2lbs lost a week from now until the first week in May. I am going to exercise at least 30 min a day and I am following Weight Watchers program of counting points. I currently weigh(yes I am going to admit it) 147lbs., I have never weighed more than 120 in my life and that was my biggest, pre-pregnancy. While I was pregnant, I gained around 70 lbs.. I lost the first 40 with no work what so ever, unfortunately, the last 30 is hanging on with a death grip. I am going to change that and get back to my old self! I can't wait. I will try to keep you as up to date as I can and I will also be honest. I will post a picture of before and after, after I have lost the weight but you can get a good idea in the past pictures of how I look.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Blueberry Boy

I have never really given Cash blueberries due to their size. I thought he would swallow them whole and choke. I have been feeding him blueberry waffles with only butter for breakfast and he will eat a whole waffle plus a banana. I knew he obviously liked the blueberry taste but yesterday I gave him an actual blueberry and he can't stop eating them. Literally, he will walk over to where they are on the counter and point at them. If I don't give them to him fast enough or at all he will have a meltdown. He has eaten so many blueberries he is going to turn into a blueberry! Here are some pictures of him, Jacob, and Noah sharing a collander that, was, full of fresh blueberries!