Saturday, January 23, 2010

My 100th Post!

How appropriate, my 100th post is about shopping with Cash and Tori! Cash's cousin Max is being dedicated to their church tomorrow so Tori and Uncle Jimmy came into town from Harrison for the event! They went to coach a basketball game today so Tori, Cash, and I went to eat lunch and shop! We drove-thru McDonald's for Cash, of course, and then we went to Jimmy's Serious Sandwiches! I love that place! Cash ate his nuggets and fries there too. You can see his clever/lazy way for eating them out of the package instead of picking up each fry! He is so silly! Then it was off to the mall. We went to Dillard's, Indigo, Baby Gap, etc...,then we went to Target. Somewhere along the way Tori was grounded from buying things for Cash! She wanted to go shopping for herself then ended up buying for Cash and Max instead of herself! THANK YOU TORI! Cash will now be the best dressed 1-2 yr old ever! She also bought him some penguin pajamas from Baby Gap. I don't know that I have ever mentioned it, but Cash is obsessed with penguins. He Loves them! Anyways, this child went all day with us. We started at 11:45 a.m. and came home at 6:45 p.m.. To end the day we ate at Pei Wei, yummy!!!
Cash eating his fries out of the package....

Cash passed out in Target....And Finally...Cash in his penguin pjs....
Too cute, huh? Well, we had a full day. Time to go to bed, we have another packed day for tomorrow!!

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