Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ear Infection-Round Two

Oh my goodness, is this really happening? Cash was a perfectly healthy baby for the first 11 1/2 months of his life. One week before Christmas, if you will remember, and two weeks before his birthday, Cash came down with pneumonia and double ear infections. That was the first major sickness. Now, here we are three weeks later and what do you know......another double ear infection! He started feeling warm and became clingy around 4:30 yesterday evening. I was supposed to go eat with Kelly and Lesley at 6:15 and I barely made it due to Cash having a fever. I just didn't want to leave him, but his fever broke and he was playing so I went on and had a great time! When I got home he was asleep and no fever. At 3:00a.m., he woke up with a fever of 102.7. Not fun! So we went to see Dr. Ledbetter, whom I highly suggest, and he confirmed that Cash has ear infections. His right ear, just inflamed and red, his left red, inflamed, and puss, as disgusting as that sounds. Poor baby, what am I going to do with these ears?

Hopefully he will get over this quickly! I pray this is the last one or I am afraid tubes could be in his future! I hope not, but it is a reality. Pray for Cash's little ears please!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jessica! I am so sorry he has to go through this! We have been there and it isn't fun. Hayden had A LOT of ear infections! We finally got tubes after an infection that lasted for 6 weeks! We tried antibiotics and the shots - nothing worked but the tubes solved all of our problems. Hayden got them right before his first birthday and we have had only 3 or 4 infections in the past 2 years. We use the same doctors office that you do - if they offer you tubes - TAKE THEM! It was so worth it! Hope he is feeling better soon!
