Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sorry, it has taken me so long to get some new pictures up but we have just been so busy! We went to Harrison this weekend to see Craigan's family and spend time with them since we will be staying here for Thanksgiving. Criagan went "hunting" again with his uncle and some of their friends while Cash and I hung out with his family. I managed to get into an argument over an egg roll while visiting too! We went to get take out and I wanted Chinese food, well I got more than I bargained for with the lady at the drive-thru, long story short, I thought an egg roll came with my order and apparently it did not come with an egg roll, even though it clearly stated that it did! Oh well, it gave us all a good laugh! We also went to see a house down the street from Craigan's grandparents house, that I love, it is up for auction and I would love to have the money to buy and gut it! It has so much potential! We had a great time and are glad we got to visit and spend time with everyone!

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