Friday, November 20, 2009

Thanks Raleigh Caroline!

I have been tagged by Taylor from Raleigh Caroline!
Here are the rules:
List 10 things that make you happy
Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day
Make sure to link back to the person who tagged you!
10 Things That Make Me Happy
1. CASH! I couldn't love anything more than this precious baby we have! He amazes me everyday!
2. My husband, I love being married!
3. Seeing people give to others, especially those in need! I cry everytime I see something good happening!
4. Seeing Christmas decorations, I LOVE Christmas time!
5. Playing with my doggies, Mya and Aspen.
6. Being surrounded by family, especially around the holidays.
7. Making things or decorating things
8. Shopping, what girl couldn't say that shopping doesn't make them happy!
9. Spending time with my friends
10. My long hair, that is no longer with me, I am so ready for it to grow back out!
Tagged Bloggers:
OK, so since I have not been blogging long, I basically tagged everyone I follow on a day to day basis and all I have is 7!
Here are some pictures of Cash smashing his face against the door, again. He thinks he is so funny when he does this! I must admit, it is quite humorous!

1 comment:

  1. cute! I was the same way since I just started blogging recently too!
