Monday, September 21, 2009

Catching Up....

Ok, so I haven't posted in a couple of days because I have been mad, I couldn't figure out how to upload this video that I worked so hard to get... but I figured it out now and I do have some new developments to share with everyone! This past weekend Cash started saying bye-bye! He is such a smart little boy! It is so adorable too because he doesn't wave his whole arm, just is hand at his wrist! I know this video isn't the best but hopefully you will be able to see him waving his little hand around! I took the footage via cell phone so that's why it's not the best picture. Also, please let me apologize now for my annoying voice in the background!

This is a video of him clapping! He loves to clap now! He gets so proud of himself because we make a huge deal whenever he waves or claps so now he just does it all the time!

I hope everyone enjoys these videos! I will try to get some new pictures up soon! I have just been too tired! My child has been amazing about bedtime ever since the day we brought him home from the hospital! This last week has been anything but amazing, he is fighting us now. He doesn't want to go to bed at all, I have done everything I know to make this not happen but here we are! Hopefully this is just a stage and everything will be back to normal soon. By the way, he has two teeth on bottom and four teeth on top! The fourth tooth on top is just breaking through so this could also be a part of his night night issues! I guess we will find out soon enough! We also have a doctors appointment on Thursday, just his 9 month check-up, wow, did I just say 9 months? Where does the time go? I will give a full report on Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. wow! I can't believe that he is waving and clapping! I am sooo proud of that sweet boy! love the videos!
