Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday Shopping and Sipping

This morning we woke up and had breakfast burritos, probably my favorite breakfast food. I am more of a lunch person myself! Then, Carol and I decided to go check out Gordman's, a new store, eat lunch, and then go to Old Navy. I had already been to Gordman's but I knew she would love it so we went and she found some things she really liked. We then went to eat at Copeland's before going to Old Navy. I stinking love that place! If you haven't eaten there, you need to go. Here are some funny pictures of Cash before we left and at Copeland's....You can't keep this kid off the stairs anymore, he LOVES them!

He has now figured out a way to close his eyes every time my camera flashes! It is driving me nuts, but this one was so funny!

I had to fight him to take this picture if your wondering why it is sideways! He always wants to hold or chew on the camera now!

He did pretty well while we ate but I knew he was so tired. He usually takes a nap around noon or right after and I was pushing his limits. So no cheesecake for us, we had to leave and get this guy to sleep. I thought he would have fallen asleep on the way to Old Navy, no such luck, still wide awake! Then it happened, he was out like a light on the way home. I got him out of the car and he slept from 2:00 p.m. until 4:01 p.m., I don't think he has ever slept that long during the day!
Ok, now for another one of Cash's "new" favorite things.....drinking water from a glass! He is crazy about drinking from regular glasses. He will hold on with a death grip and shove his face into the cup. Then he makes a funny noise, like a gasp, and laughs at you laughing at him!

He loves this...
Do you see the red in his nails? That is how tight he is holding this against his face so that you won't take it away!

This is the face you get once the glass/water is taken away!
He is in bed now, fast asleep, hopefully he will stay asleep. We did not have a good night again last night. Oh well, I hope everyone had a great weekend and hopefully the Hogs will be back next weekend with a win!

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