Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cash's First Trip to the Dentist

Back in November Cash won the KARK 4 News Halloween Costume Contest. One of the prizes was a free dental exam from Bevan's Pediatric Dentistry. I thought, now that Cash has most of his teeth, this would be a perfect time to use my free visit! So today, Cash got his very first dental exam! It was not a very pleasant experience though! We got there and checked in and while we were waiting to see the dentist, Cash threw his sippy cup across the waiting room, which has ceramic tile, the lid flew off and a whole cup of milk went everywhere!!!! I was mortified! I went to the bathroom, got a ton of paper towels, and got down on my hands and knees to clean up the mess my child had made! Finally, we got called back and after waiting for a little while and missing his nap he just cried the whole time! I was hoping to get some pictures of the dentist looking at his teeth but that didn't happen! I did, however, get a good report on his teeth! She said they looked great! Just keep up the good work and start flossing once I see his teeth touching one another! I dread that day!! Needless to say, he was asleep before we left the parking lot! Poor baby! He was so tired!
Cash in the waiting room...
Right before the dentist came in...

His dentist goody bag.... Bye Bye Dentist...
And finally, all those tears because he needed this.....Hopefully his next visit will be much better. I think I will schedule it for after nap time!

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