Sunday, May 9, 2010

The BEST Mother's Day Ever!

This Mother's Day my Mom and I cooked a huge meal for all of us Mother's! Brennan, Shelly, Max, Carol, Dennis, and my parents all came over to our house to celebrate! Shelly and Carol also brought some great dishes for us too and so we visited and ate all afternoon! We all got Carol a pair of Yellow Box flip flops that she wanted really bad and we got my Mom her favorite perfume, which is Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue, if you haven't tried it, you should! It is Heaven in a bottle! Craigan got me an hour long massage which I won't be able to use because............


No, we were not trying. Just a little miracle that happened and now, after the shock has worn off, we are VERY excited! I knew all day that I was, but I knew that if I took the test that morning they would be able to see it all over my face. So I waited until everyone left Sunday night, went to Wal-Mart, bought the test, came home, took it, and this was the result! According to the Chinese Birth Calander it should be another boy too! I am so happy! They will be exactly 24 months apart and this baby's due date is one day before Cash's due date was, January 14. Cash's was January 15! I should be about 4 weeks. Anyways, we are very excited and just pray that the baby and I stay healthy and safe all the way through this pregnancy!
Cash and Max eating lunch

I have been a horrible picture taker lately so I don't have many pictures to post! Sorry! I am already soooooo tired! I will try to do better! I hope everyone has a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Jessica! We are so excited for you guys! Hope you are doing well.
