Thursday, October 29, 2009

H1N1 Clinic at Rock Creek

Oh my goodness......I just got home from standing in line for 4 hours at Rock Creek Church to get Cash vaccinated!!!!!!!! Yes, in the rain! I called Rock Creek and the ADH, they both said it was a drive-thru and walk-in clinic! So I prepared for a drive-thru clinic. I dressed Cash in a pajama set that was shorts so they could poke him the leg and I could drive off. Well, you know that was too good to be true, it was walk-in only for children! So, in the rain, I took Cash, Jacob, and Noah to get them shots. Yes, Cash was still in his shorts! I covered him up in a blanket and I had a hoodie to put on him too! Angi came to help me half way through, but the twins just couldn't hang in for the 4 hour wait, which I can't blame them! I was barely making it myself. Since I didn't think we would be there too long, I didn't bring diapers or bottles. Yep, you guessed it, Cash started leaking out of his diaper when we were about to get to the shot area! Luckily, a really nice mother in line, gave me a diaper! We also made some friends during our wait! Finally, the wait was worth it, Cash got the 1st round of his H1N1 shot, he will be administered the 2nd round in 28 days! Thank you Jesus for letting him be that much more protected! Here are some pictures of our adventure today!

Us outside waiting in line

The first part of the line, it wrapped all the way around the building

Having a snack

This was one of the people we made friends with while waiting. He put that mask on and asked if he could play doctor with Cash! It was soooo cute. He said "Ok, where do you want me to start?" I said, "At his toes." He said he was missing his two pinky toes but he had a replacement for them in his pocket and so he put them on Cash feet with stiches! It was too freaking adorable!

Here he is attaching Cash's "missing" pinky toes!

The shot

Well, I got there at 8:21 a.m., we left at 12:27 p.m.. What a morning! At least he is half way to being protected! Hopefully we will not have to wait in a line like that again. The ADH and CDC says they area catching up with the demand so thats promising!

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