Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cash's Surgery Day, well, Week!

On Monday, March 21st, we took Cash to ACH for a minor surgery, but to me it was pretty major because it was the first time he would have an I.V. with anesthesia. I think I was more scared than Cash! Kids are so awesome! Anyways , they called our name and took us back to the pre-op room and then gave him some "goofy juice"! This part was kind of funny, it made him feel pretty drunk....

Mommy and Cashy....

Cash on "goofy juice"....

YouTube Video

The doctors said it would be a 90 minute surgery and I will tell you, I thought I would never make it that long without knowing he was ok. Luckily, the nurse would call the waiting room and give me updates about every 20 minutes or so and then after about 60 minutes, the doctor came out and said thy were already done! Those words were music to my ears! They said it went perfectly and that we could go see him in recovery! We went back to see him and he was doing so good, just sitting their in the hospital bed like a big boy, not even crying! Then they moved him to an actual recovery room and that's when he really started waking up or freaking out, whatever you choose to call it! We finally got him calmed down and got sent home.

Once we got home, Auntie Tori had sent Cash a get well soon present.....another Little Giraffe blankie, he was so excited!

And then Mama read Cash some books...

Then, Tuesday morning he wakes up with a 102.7 temp!!! This really scared me with his seizures and all so I took him into the doctor and everything checked out fine! Well a couple of hours later, around 1:30 p.m., Cash had his third febrile seizure. We grab our lifeless baby off the bed jumped in the car and flew to ACH E.R.. Once there, they ran every test imaginable to determine what was causing the fever and if it was related to the surgery or something else. He also got an I.V., and some fluids, after they took blood and ran some other tests. Everything came back totally normal!!! So they said it's a fever virus that we will have to wait out! They last about 5-7 days!!! You can imagine my face as I was being told this!!! I just couldn't believe this! What terrible timing, the day after his surgery!

Being a trooper with his I.V.

Finally he fell asleep....I must add the best part of the we were getting ready to leave and the nurse was about to take out his I.V., he holds up his arm and says, " look mommy, I chargen!", he says this because he likes plug my phone up to charge and I guess thats what it reminded him of! We all starting crying we were laughing so hard!!!

So after 8 hrs in the E.R., we went home and went to bed! Around 1:30 a.m., he had a fourth, very mild, febrile seizure. We called 911 but he seemed to recover from this one quickly and we had been in the er all day and got no answers, so we decided to keep him home. So then, Thursday night, I was about to give him a bath, still running fever, and noticed a white covering all over the back of his throat! I just knew we finally had an answer, Strep! We loaded up and to the E.R. we went, I just knew we would get some antibiotics and be on the road to recovery! Well, not so fast, apparently the worst throat are due to viral infections, which, can't be treated!!!! So again, they say, just wait it out!! I was about to pull my hair out!! I just want my baby to be well and seizure free!!! I didn't know how much more he or I could take! I felt so helpless and defeated! So we went home...
Cash in the E.R.

After a dose of Tylenol....

Friday, he still had a little fever but did pretty well all day Friday! So, Saturday rolls around and we, FINALLY, were fever free!!!! The saying, God won't give you more than you can handle, must be true! Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers!!!

This is what my night stand looked like by Saturday....

I'm so thankful for my family, health, and help that we received this week! Praise God!!!

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

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