Saturday, March 5, 2011

And their off....

...To the races that is! This weekend we met our friends Holly, Wes, Chelsea, Chad, Adam, and Shelley at Oaklawn! Craigan's parents were in town so we let them watch Cash while we went for so much needed alone time! We had a blast and we won some money too! Cash had a great time playing with his cousin Max and his grandparents!

Cash going to Max's house...

Chelsea, Holly, and Me....

Wes, Craigan, Chad, and Adam...

After the races we went to Rocky's Corner, a pizza place, and we found Holly's twin working there! Hilly was so embarrassed but we had to get a picture, Holly is on the right or maybe that's her on the left, who knows! Hahaha!

Chelsea made this hat for Cash and gave it to me this weekend, check her out at href="" target="_blank">

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Poor little Cashy's hat is too small...or his head is too big!!! LOL. I will be making him a brand new owl hat soon!!!
