Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What a Day...

Our day started off like any other good day, we took Jacob and Noah to daycare, came home, took a nap, made lunch plans with Daddy, and ate powdered donuts for a snack! I know, not very healthy, huh? Sometimes you have to do what will make them happy to keep your sanity! Anyways, we ate lunch at Senor Tequila and went shopping at Hobby Lobby. Afterwards, we picked Jacob and Noah up from daycare and went back to their house. Everyone laid down for a little nap and out of no where I hear a thud. Everyone was asleep and a pillow, that was not previously there, seemed to have been thrown over the staircase banister. I thought, oh one of the boys climbed out of their crib. Well I went to check and everyone was sound asleep. Strange, huh? We already all think there is a ghost in the house and Jacob constantly talks about a ghost. So after this everyone got up and we had snack time. Well, I hear another crash and then Cash crying. I turn the corner and there is Cash with a forehead covered in blood, yes blood! The Wii sits up on a shelf and there are cords within his reach, so he pulled the Wii down and, basically, the corner of the console stabbed him in the head. I finally got it to stop bleeding and called the clinic, they said he would be fine since it was only a 1/2 cm cut. It sure bled A LOT though! So after that, I could not find the remote. I searched the house high and low, looked through all the random places children tend to put things and couldn't find it anywhere. It was gone. I did, however, find the back that covers the batteries! Ahhhhh, it was one thing after another! So we finally found the remote.....in the bottom of the kitchen garbage can! So then Cash fell down the stairs and hit his head again, right next to the cut. Finally, something cute and good happened....Cash can now say shoes and where did it go, it's so cute too because he will say, "where did it go", and hold his hands out to the side! Soooooooo adorable! He also has 12 teeth with about 4-5 coming in, all at the same time too! Cash also learned how to drink from a straw this weekend!!!

Eating powdered donuts....
Cash's first, and hopefully only, head injury....
I know this is gross, but he bled soooo much....
The nurse told me to keep it washed with antibacterial soap and put neosporin on it....
This is where the Wii landed after it hit Cash's head....
Listen closely.....he will say shoes and point to them, please excuse the bath one where he won't stop touching himself, it must be a boy thing......I don't know how to edit it out, so Rick, this is not for Emilee's eyes, haha.....

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