Friday, September 3, 2010

Pittsburgh Here We Come

Today, Cash, Lauren, Ella, and I, left for Pittsburgh, PA at 8:35 a.m.. We flew out of Little Rock to Baltimore, MD and then to Pittsburgh, PA! The kids did wonderfully! Cash loved looking out if the window and seeing the cars driving on the streets below! He ate snacks, watched a little bit of a movie, colored and slept! For his first time flying he did so good!

At Little Rock fixing to board the plane....

Clouds over Arkansas somewhere...


Ella and Cash....

Cash passed out the last 45 minutes...

Somewhere in Maryland....

Landing in Baltimore....

He slept the last 45 minutes and then we had wake him up at the Baltimore airport....

Cash decided to have a melt down as we were boarding the plane from Baltimore to Pittsburgh because he wanted to walk, which really means he wanted to run all over the airport as we were trying to board! I am sure the other passengers were thinking, oh great this should be a fun flight with thus kid! Luckily, once we got to our seat he calmed down an acted great.... As long as we didn't take the bow away....

Ha ha... He liked Ella's bow and bear!

Over Heinz stadium in Pittsburgh...

Landing in Pittsburgh...

Brandon, Lindsey, and baby Sydney were there to pick us up and I could not have been more ready to stop riding in things! I was so happy to be at their house!

Me, Cash, and Sydney...

Cash and Sydney...

Cash giving her kisses...

We went to the grocery store to get some stuff for the kids and a labor day cookout an Cash was terrible! He was so tired and so was Ella. Ella fell asleep and so Lauren held Ella and held cash's hand on the way home!

Baby Sydney...

Good night from Pittsburgh!

- Posted by Jessica using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Glad y'all arrived safely. Cash looks so sleepy in all his arrival pictures. Bless his heart; it must have been an early morning flight. See y'all when you get back.

  2. haha! glad cash did great on the flight!

  3. Yay! I'm so glad to hear that Cash had a good first flight! Call me when you get back - I haven't talked to you in forever. Have fun!

    Oh and I think Cash LOVES some babies girls - Ladies Man!
