Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cash's First Birthday Party!

WOW, IT'S ALL OVER!!! I really can't believe it! Cash's first birthday was everything I hoped it would be! It went just as I had played it out in my head! I will start with the outside, (which I didn't get a good picture of, I am so sad, but thanks to Megan for taking all the pics!), the stairs going down to my driveway had a red carpet, at the end of the railing there were two 31/2 ft. Oscar statues with gold, silver, and black balloons. The front door had a red cover over it (continuing the red carpet theme into the house) with a sign that said VIP Entrance. There was also a yard sign that said Celebrity Limo Parking with an arrow! This was the only "front of the house picture" taken, again, thanks to Megan.

As you walk into the front door there is a long hallway where the "Walk of Fame" was set up. Each child had their own individual star with their name on it too! There were also stars hanging from the ceiling....

When you walked into the living room, there were more stars hanging from the ceiling and then I had made a slide show of the whole year! It was adorable! Also, another sign that looked like a movie sign for "Cash's First Year" movie premier....

This was the slide show that played on throughout the party....

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Finally, as you walked into the dining room/kitchen area, there was his table......

His cake was a clapboard that said Take 1(for his first birthday, Producers: Mommy and Daddy, Scene: Party, and Date: December 31, 08 which is his actual birth date), we had chicken salad sandwiches for adults, p,b, &j for the kiddos. They were all cut into the shape of stars, for Hollywood obviously! We had cheese dip, cookies, and popcorn......

There were also really cute balloons on either side of the table. One was a clapboard and film reel...

And then a giant, silver number one, you can kind of see it behind Craigan's head! I think Emi also enjoyed the balloons too! After everyone got here, we paused for a few red carpet photo ops....

Me, Cash, Ashley, Toby, and Elliott

Jacob and Noah

Megan and Emilee

My Dad and Cash

Craigan and Cash

Hannah and Marley

Alicia and Cash

Some of the guests

The Kids

Kim, Hayden, and Emilee

Jimmy, Jordan, and Cash

Max and Brennan

After we took a bunch of pictures and mingled, we lit Cash's smash cake and sang "Happy Birthday" to him! He didn't know what to think....

Then we opened gifts....

All of the kids helped, it was too cute! Cash wanted nothing to do with opening them until all the other kids started ripping into them!
This was one of the cutest pictures of Cash and Emilee...

I also love this picture....

Anyway, the party went terriffic! I couldn't have asked for a better day for my little Cashy! Needless to say, when the red carpet event was over there were no "after parties" here, just after"naps"! I love you more than words can express Cash, I hope you had the BEST first birthday ever!

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