Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fixing Fences and Sour Strawberries

Tonight Craigan and our great neighbor, Dave, fixed our broken gate! That thing has been broken since we moved in last October, so that tells you how long we have put it off! Finally though, it is going to work properly! Hooray! Thanks Dave and Craigan! Here is a picture of them hard at work.....

While they were doing that, Cash and I were inside eating strawberries! I thought I picked a good batch, however, you will be able to tell how tart they were....

By the way, whoever invented these things.......THANK YOU! These are a must have for any child who loves fruit! Cash loves eating fresh fruit from these. They are mesh and allow for very small pieces come through so they can eat fresh fruit! But, don't be fooled, they are still very messy as you can see....

Too cute, huh? This boy loves his fruit even though he hated baby food fruit. Well that's all for now, good night!

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