Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cash's First Boo Boo and Cooking Lesson

Well, it was bound to happen! Cash fell down and broke his crown! Not really, just bumped his face and gave himself a little bruise on his cheek! He was really tough though! He thinks he is such a big boy and tries to do more than he should! Then, my mom kept him for a little while tonight and they made banana nut bread! Which, aside from the nuts, was yummy! He clearly enjoyed his teething cookie and sippy cup more than cooking! He was a mess!

Also, today was Becca's baby shower! This is the canvas I painted to go in Shep's room! I was pretty happy with how it turned out! I hope they are!

1 comment:

  1. Jessica-
    We were thrilled with how it turned out, I can't thank you enough for your hard work! Thanks for helping add that "special touch" to his room!
    Becca and Family :)
